Monday, 6 February 2012

35th Reunion July 6–8

At the end of the 30th reunion Jenny suggested we meet every 5-years and Mark reminded me of this at Xmas. So the 35th Reunion will be on the weekend of July 6, 7 & 8th.  

I have a YES from the following:
Jenny, Jacinta, Julie, Deb, Sally, Paul, John, Mark Fitzroy

I will post some of the comments from the emails. Like the 30th reunion use this blog to offer suggestions for venues, activities, etc.

If you can’t attend please post an update we would love to hear what you have been doing. 
— Josie

Monday, 10 September 2007

Photos from 2007 Reunion

It was great catching up with everyone and I think a really nice weekend. Thanks Deb for suggesting the venues. Here are some photos.
Cheers Josie

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

30th High School Reunion

2007 marks our 30th high school reunion. We have celebrated our 10th and 20th do we keep the tradition going? Do we have a virtual reunion on this blog with photos and updates about career and family life? What are your thoughts? Add your suggestions to this blog.