Monday, 6 February 2012

35th Reunion July 6–8

At the end of the 30th reunion Jenny suggested we meet every 5-years and Mark reminded me of this at Xmas. So the 35th Reunion will be on the weekend of July 6, 7 & 8th.  

I have a YES from the following:
Jenny, Jacinta, Julie, Deb, Sally, Paul, John, Mark Fitzroy

I will post some of the comments from the emails. Like the 30th reunion use this blog to offer suggestions for venues, activities, etc.

If you can’t attend please post an update we would love to hear what you have been doing. 
— Josie

1 comment:

Josie said...

A re-union would be fun I think.

I'm a pretty hopeless organiser but Im happy to do what I can. Those dates look fine to me.

Maybe we could rent a big house(s) in Alex or close by for the weekend - with a fireplace.

I love that we rely on Josie to initiate from afar. Hope you and your families are all well.

Greetings all. 
So we have a date? 7 july.
Let's talk about location. Just to confirm, is it Alexandra? I quite fancy a visit to Dalesford or Inverloch - but I guess Josie and others need to visit family.
What will we do? Do you want a program of activities eg bike rides, walks, scenic tours - visit to dam wall, x country skiing etc. 
Any suggestions for where to go to dinner? Or breakfast?
 Do not stint. Lets have those rivers of ideas and pearl bracelets of wisdom.


Alex would be good I think. Activities? I thought we could bum around outside Reynolds Newsagents and then head off for a pizza at the..... Pizza place.

Then down to the UT Creek for a smoke, and back for a wander around the Flea Market.

Good, it’s settled then...

Hi there,

Just thought I would get my 2c in. July sounds a good time, but I am torn between Alex or a slightly different location as suggested by Jenny.
I guess Alex but ... John's suggestion is so 70s1 I'll just have another glass of red while I ponder.

Forget the red, Jacinta... may I suggest a delicious Brandivino and Coke in a chunky porcelain goblet? Mmmmmmm!

Some v good suggestions of Alex activities Phillo, missed doing any of them living out on the farm at Taggerty. Didn't realise what fun you townies had while we were working chopping wood, milking cows, shearing sheep etc.

Thanks Fitz, you're right, my recreation of life in a country town circa 1977 is a bonzer idea, as we used to say... some still do (Jenny?).

We could also ride our bikes out to the Fraser Park turnoff, but even back then that was a bloody stupid waste of energy, so can that.

I vote we do "mainies" in the main street in our cars like the hoons of yesteryear did.....or, given our rapidly advancing ages, perhaps we could book a guided tour that w/end to Kellock retirement village to check out the facilities....I bags the room with the view (if there is such a thing).

ps John, Brandivino indeed.!!!...I intend to splash out of Kaiser Stuhl liebfrewine (cask no less)...if we are going to try & recreate our youth, we should try doing it in style!! bring the Winnies.

It can't be 5 years, surely. I’m happy to work in with whatever dates just give me 6 weeks notice.
— julie

Hi Josie
A thirty five year reunion sounds like a great idea - while we can all remember each other's names!
The date sounds fine to me. I dont do Facebook (shock horror) so the blog suits me fine. How did you contact everyone initially last time?

Could you get Mark/Paul/John onto trying to contact Warrick and Ewan?

I am still in contact with Karen Fiona and Marg. I can contact Anne & Peter Norris and Mark Doyle.
Do you have any format in mind?

Sounds like things are getting confirmed, good. Yes I can try to contact Warwick and Ewan (haven't had any contact sine last reunion). Plus John and I are in contact with Steve Murray. Sure there are a few others, need to check names.

What is happening with Simon — is he still in Ballarat?
— Josie